Kofi Baker

Cream Experience

“Samson's drum mics gives me the true sound of all my drums. The C01 condensers capture all the bottom end, as well as each of my cymbals. This kit is the best I've heard!”

As the son of legendary drumming icon Ginger Baker, Kofi Baker has a name that’s synonymous with drumming excellence. And Kofi lives up to his name; with his outstanding skills, drive and dedication, he continues the great Baker legacy. Kofi's first live performance was with his father on the UK television show The Old Grey Whistle Test - at just six years of age he proved he had inherited more than just his fathers name. In the early 1980's, Kofi and his father played drum duets throughout Europe, amazing audiences with complex African polyrhythms. Later, Kofi toured with John Ethridge (Soft Machine), and gigged in London with Steve Waller (Manfred Mann) and with Randy California (Spirit). He also toured Europe with Steve Marriot's Humble Pie. During the 1990's, Kofi toured with Jack Bruce in Budapest; signed with Scotty Brothers Records when he recorded the album Lost City; recorded Abstract Logic with Jonas Hellborg and Shawn Lane; and toured extensivley - including more drum duets with Ginger Baker. Kofi is now living in Orange, CA. Kofi Baker's Cream Experience is his latest inspiration - a powerful trio that rivals that of Cream.

Photo: © Gary Bolen Photography